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10 Tips For

Keeping In Touch During Maternity Leave


Jayne Ruff | 24.10.23
Reading Time: 4 mins


There can be a lot of anxiety around being away from work for an extended period. One way to ease the transition back to work after maternity leave is to take advantage of Keeping in Touch (KIT) days. While KIT days are nothing new, there remains a lot of uncertainty around what they are and how to use them. This article offers advice and guidance on how to make the most of the benefits they can offer.


What will have changed on my return? Who will I be working with and reporting into? What client accounts will I be assigned? Will people remember me and the value I bring to the team?

There can be a lot of anxiety around being away from work for an extended period. One way to ease the transition back to work after maternity leave is to take advantage of Keeping in Touch (KIT) days.

While KIT days are nothing new, there remains a lot of uncertainty around what they are and how to use them. This article offers advice and guidance on how to make the most of the benefits they can offer.

What Are Keeping in Touch Days?

KIT days allow you to work for up to 10 days during maternity leave without bringing your leave to an end. The purpose of KIT days is to help new mothers stay up to date on developments at work and make the return less daunting.

KIT days are voluntary - you don't have to use them if you don't want to. Your employer must also agree to the terms of your KIT days. If you do choose to work KIT days, your employer will pay your normal salary for the time worked. The days can be taken consecutively or spaced out over the course of your maternity leave.


Benefits of Using KIT Days

There are several benefits to using KIT days during maternity leave:

  • Ease the transition back to work. KIT days allow you to slowly get back into a work routine and mindset. This can make returning from leave less jarring.

  • Catch up on developments. By coming in on KIT days, you can meet with colleagues to catch up on any changes, new initiatives, or projects at work. This can help you to feel less overwhelmed when you return.

  • Stay connected. Maintaining contact with co-workers helps you avoid feeling isolated or out of the loop while on leave. KIT days are a chance to socialise and strengthen work relationships and get a bit of time for you too.

  • Get paid. KIT days are paid at your normal salary, so they provide a bit of extra income during maternity leave.

  • Focus on personal development. Whether it’s a training course you’ve wanted to do for a while but didn’t have the time for pre-leave, or some more specific coaching support related to your return to work. KIT days offer quality time for personal growth, which in turn can help to build your confidence.


10 Tips for Making the Most of KIT Days

If you plan to use KIT days, keep these 10 tips in mind:

  1. Identify the one thing you most want to achieve from each of your KIT days. This gives you a clear focus for the day.

  2. Schedule KIT days strategically around times when key meetings or training sessions are happening at work.

  3. Think about using early KIT days for connecting with colleagues and keeping up to date on the projects you care most about. As you move closer to your return date, KIT days can become more specific and structured.

  4. Use KIT days to ease back into things slowly. Don't try to cram too much into the limited days.

  5. Share what you hope to achieve from your KIT days with your manager so that they know what to expect too. This will help them focus and prepare in advance.

  6. Consider using a few KIT days right before you are scheduled to return from leave to get back into the swing of things.

  7. Don't feel pressured to use all 10 KIT days if you don't need them. Focus on whatever number works for you.

  8. Remember KIT days can be used for personal development. Think about whether any training courses or personal coaching could help your growth and confidence.

  9. Make childcare arrangements for KIT days ahead of time so you can focus on work.

  10. Block out reflection time after KIT days. Write down what you achieved and any questions you have. Think about how you can build on this when you next re-connect with the business. This might be just 15-minutes between the KIT day ending and childcare pick up.


KIT days present a great opportunity to stay engaged in the projects that matter most to you at work and ensure you don't feel disconnected when you return from maternity leave. Take advantage of the flexibility they offer to help make the transition back to work as positive and meaningful for you as possible.

If you have any questions about how to make the most of KIT days, please get in touch.





Jayne Ruff – Chartered Occupational Psychologist & Founder of Parenting Point.

Parenting Point exists to give everyone the self-belief that they can flourish as a parent and a professional by positively aligning both worlds. We help parents find their meaningful and fulfilling work-life balance through practical, psychology-based workshops and coaching. We work with organisations to create positive and inclusive performance cultures that support and encourage the growth of working parents.

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