Our Purpose is to give everyone the self-belief that they can flourish as a parent and a professional, creating a meaningful and fulfilling work-life balance.

Our Mission

To empower all parents by providing practical guidance and psychological support during times of personal and professional change. To help organisations create positive and inclusive performance cultures that encourage the development and growth of working parents.


Our Story

Parenting Point’s foundations were born from Jayne Ruff (Founder) and her personal experience as a Coaching & Occupational Psychologist advising clients across industry sectors, and as a working parent. Here’s that story:

Jayne Ruff – Founder of Parenting Point – Coaching & Occupational Psychologist – Mum

I’ve worked for several years as a Psychologist helping people to develop and grow during key points of change at work. Becoming a mum made me realise that one of the biggest changes we experience in our working lives is the transition to become a working parent. This point in time influences how we think and behave at work and in life going forward. It’s my personal experience of the real highs and lows of working parenthood, along with my continued passion for applying psychology to help people flourish, that led me to launch Parenting Point.

When I returned to work after having a baby, I experienced the emotional tug of war between my ‘old’ working self and new parent identity. I have always loved my work, but when the weeks went by and I edged closer towards my planned return date, I struggled to see how I could operate with the clarity and focus I’d once had. I felt anxious when I thought about the end of the unequivocal time with my little boy, and guilty about the impact this change might have on him and on my own work.

This way of thinking wasn’t helping me to be the parent or the professional I wanted to be. I had to stop seeing the ‘old’ and ‘new’ me as two separate people. What I grew to recognise was that, rather than viewing my roles as a parent and professional as two competing forces, I needed to see them in co-existence. Yes, my context had changed, and my priorities had shifted. The way I would work and parent going forward would be different. But ultimately, both would continue to be an important part of my evolving identity and growth as a person. I then had to re-focus my time and energy towards the areas in work and family life that matter most to me. This is something that I still work on regularly to support my meaningful work-life balance.

I am an HCPC & BPS Registered Coaching Psychologist & Occupational Psychologist, a Member of the Association for Coaching and a Certified Practitioner in several personality and emotional intelligence psychometric assessments.

I am also an active Company Director of Changing Point – an organisational development & change consultancy designing and delivering behavioural change initiatives across industry sectors and organisational levels (www.changing-point.com).  


Our Values

We encourage & empower parents

  • There’s no one-size-fits all solution to a fulfilling work-life balance. We listen to what matters most and support parents to discover what is meaningful to them

  • We believe in everyone’s potential. We energise working parents to achieve more than they thought possible by tapping into existing strengths

We care about performance & wellbeing

  • We believe people perform best when wellbeing is at its best. We develop parents’ psychological strength to build personal resilience, confidence and effectiveness

  • Our combined passion for parenting and psychology drives our commitment to positively enhance the performance and wellbeing of individuals and organisations

We inspire practical change, one step at a time

  • Small shifts in how we behave can make a big difference to how we feel. We motivate parents to make practical changes in their daily work and life habits and re-focus time and energy on what they value most

  • Our optimistic and supportive approach helps parents build up these small steps over time to achieve a long-lasting positive impact

We open minds to everyday learning

  • We believe that every work-life experience presents an opportunity to develop and grow. We make learning part of everyday life to promote ongoing self-awareness and discovery

  • We are on this journey along with the parents we support. We openly and honestly share our lessons learned, injecting fun and good humour along the way


We love to hear from anyone curious about what we do. Drop a message below and we’ll get back to you.